Category: Events

Reunion News!

Quick Note: Becky Hedges would like everyone to know that the Grove class of 1965’s annual reunion will be held tomorrow, October 14th at El Vaquero at 4:30pm. The Grove Class of 1967 recently held a 56th reunion luncheon in Paris. Attendees are listed below: Thanks to Martha McFadden Holt for letting us know! (Once […]

Just another test…

We’re getting there! I’m testing the Facebook page and mailing list. Sorry…I would limit the audience if I could. As an aside, I love this picture from Shannon. I hope to use it as a logo on future posts. It certainly does bring back memories. Just filling in here, because I want to put some […]

Structural Issues with Grove Tower

For those of you who may have missed this, I thought you would like to know about problems with our beloved Grove tower. Structural issues have been uncovered which have forced staff to temporarily relocate. The historic tower was built in 1906 and now houses offices of Henry County Schools. Read the full article here… […]

Class of 1961 Reunion

Yet another reunion! The Grove Class of 1961 held a reunion at Paris Landing on October 28th. A whole team was involved putting together the captioned photo, sent to us by Susan Stewart. Joe Routon had staged all the people so you could see their face then got in the photo for Marge to snap […]

Class of 1967 Reunion

Folks, we’re on a roll! The Class of 1967 held their 55th Class Reunion on October 22 at El Vaguerro. It was a great turnout! Attending were, Front Row: L To R Charlie Holt, Betty Chrisman, Angelia Owens Hart, Baker Kendall, Dianne Cooper Flanagan, Robert( Hawk ) Miller, Jerry Hayes, Elizabeth Covington, Linda walker Nash […]

Another Reunion!

The Grove Class of 1956 held their reunion last weekend as well, and 13 members were in attendance! See the full picture here…

Photos from 60th Reunion of Class of 1962

The 60th Reunion of the Grove Class of 1962 was held last weekend (September 17, 2020) at Mustos Italian Grill in Paris. We had a good turnout, about 35 folks, including guests. Thanks to all who attended, and we were sorry for those who weren’t able to join. Many people have said it was a […]

Grove Class of 1962 – 60th Reunion

The Class of 1962 will be holding their 60th reunion on Saturday, September 17th. It will be a luncheon held at 12:00 noon at Moustos Pasta & Grill, 305 East Wood Street. For those of you will be staying over, a number of rooms have been blocked at the Hampton Inn, 1540 Mineral Wells Ave. […]

Class of 1962 Luncheons

Time for a little good news for a change: Those of us in the Class of 1962 are so fortunate to have the dedication of Georgia Lemmons, who tirelessly keeps us updated and schedules the monthly class luncheons. Last year, she was kind enough to re-schedule on of the luncheons to accommodate a visit from […]

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