Hello, fellow classmates,
As we continue to add new memorials to Findagrave and our virtual cemeteries on that site, I would once again like to thank Susan Stewart, who is an expert on that site and continues to be invaluable to me in keeping this up.
Also, a big thanks to Andy Hooper, who recently sent information on several classmates from his class, 1959. I thought that since there are 4 individuals updated, it would be simpler to send them in a batch with links to their memorials.
In advance, let me give my deepest sympathies for the loss of these folks to their families and friends. Our list includes:
Mike Nabors, 4 Apr 2022 – Unable to locate obituary.
Sandra Neergaard, 24 Feb 2020
Billy Ray Mosley, 1 Sep 2021, who was already on this site, but is now also in our virtual cemetery on Findagrave.
Ruby Reynolds, 16 Oct 2021
In addition, we learned of the passing of Sandra Lynn Gatlin Lashlee Rogers, also of the 1959 class. All have been added to our Findagrave virtual cemetery for the Class of 1959.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, here is a list of updates since my last update:
Ann Brown, Class of 1948
“RT” Miller, Class of 1949
Sandra Scott Johnson, Class of 1955
Norma Jean Bedwell Spaulding, Class of 1956
Bobby Broach, Class of 1963
Ronnie Scott and Jimmy Covington, both of Class of 1965
Please note that some entries may not be fully viewable, as Findagrave limits information within 90 days from the date of death.
Apologies if any of these are duplicates. Please let me know if any links do not work, and as always, if anyone learns of the passing of fellow classmates, please send me a note. And that goes for good news, too!