The site was updated today to add frames within which the user can view both the original and “easy to read” versions of the site. The new menuing system is now operational as an overlay which should allow for better navigation. A link to the mailing list signup form has been added to this site (opens in new window).
The code that was used previously to enter comments and make updates to the site no longer works, but all comments made through about 2017 are still intact. But this can now be done in two ways:
- As posts (such as this one) are added to to the site by the site administrator(s), users can simply post a comment to the post, and
- Use the contact form to send us a message. As appropriate, these will be added to the site in this section.
As time permits, additional feature enhancements will be explored, and updates will be posted as they become available. Hopefully all these will be improvements, but this site will be a work in progress for some time, and some new tricks are being learned along the way. Some will work and others may not, so please feel free to let me know what you think, either here or via the contact form.